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Friends and Antics

We have made some friends in the area, and we enjoy spending some time with them.  Here are some of the things we get up to when we are not renovating our house.

Lill at her 60th birthday party in Gouzon.  Steven made the cake and we opted for one giant birthday candle on health and safety grounds.
Mark on an Easter Egg hunt in 2011, held at Ken and Jeanette's house.

Papa Noel comes to visit sometimes.  We are amazed how he can fit down the flue of the woodburner!

Christmas at St Marien 2008 - a rather make-shift affair as we hadn't finished the dining room.

Who turned out all the Christmas lights?
Who got the hump?

Each year in November, the circus comes to St Marien

We are very close to the Méridienne Verte, the central line of France.

Everybody is smiling and happy all the time in St Marien ... we just can't help it.

Sometimes it just gets all too much here.


Hannah and Mark, concentrating hard on the TV.
Ken and Jeanette's 25th Wedding Anniversary cake, courtesy of Steven.
Diamond Jubilee tea party at the right royal residence of Lill and Mike.
Ladies wot lunch!

A visit from Marg Simpson?

Nanny McBiggs comes to St Marien!
Just Hanging Around!

Pat and Les, our neighbours from the UK.

Wendela pays us a visit.

Halloween cakes, decorated by Mark
Lill's 62nd Birthday.  Yes, there were 62 candles on the cake.  We nearly called Les Pompiers!