Up Clearing the Forge Converting the Forge Forge Attic

Converting the Forge

This is our current piece of work.  We have already had the floor lifted and a new concrete slab cast, In June 2012 we levelled some of the uneven concrete slab ready for us to lay floor tiles.  The front roof was replaced in July, three roof windows and a new front gutter fitted.

Summer 2012 we installed the stud-walling on the ground floor, insulated it, plasterboarded and did the wiring, laid the tile floor and installed the staircase to the first floor; in October we completed the tiling, grouting and took delivery of our new Woodburner.

Easter and Summer 2013 we spent time converting the forge attic before returning to the ground floor to plasterboard between the beams and connect up all the electrical circuits.

Click here to venture upstairs!